CASACOR, Instalación – Lima Perú – 2014

ESTACION BIOCREATIVA, an interdisciplinary installation around alternative cultivation systems, combining visual artists, bio-culture architecture and sound, carried out in Lima Peru.
Immersed in a forest garden, the Station proposes a stimulating tour, which invites to travel, remember, search, wake up, share, feel … is a space to touch, which is completed with the use given to each visitor and what their stay in it generates, the piece was made with soundscapes recorded in the Amazon Rainforest.
Estación Biocreativa is a project of Domingo, sponsored by Masisa and FSC, thanks to CASACOR Peru, and the support of American Colors & Bello Peru.

Estación Biocreativa
Concept, Creative Direction, Art Direction & Design experience:
Gabriel Lama & DAniela SAnchez
Industrial Design & Production / Technical Director
Arnaldo Sanchez Luckert – BigPig Studio
Landscaping & Gardening / Terrarium Design / Life.
Mariana Letts & Diana Arce – Plantique (
Mural : Xomatok – xomatok
Sound design : Nicolás Melmann
Induction: Sebastian Santoro – Laia Pisabarrao
Photography : Santiago Barco Luna & Daniela Sánchez