[Huerta Hipermedial] INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION / BIENAL KOSICE (Daguanno, Melmann, Sguiglia)
Huerta Hipermedial is an interactive installation that articulates an automated hydroponic garden with a sound, that is constructed in real-time from the movements of a spectator, captured by two Kinect depth cameras. The sound of this installation was composed of the manipulation of field recordings made in the Amazon Rainforest, and reproduced through a binaural reconstruction of a second-order three-dimensional Ambisonics system. Huerta Hipermedial has been exhibited in the CC Borges, obtaining a selection in the prize of the third International Biennial Kosice, and in November of the same year in the CC San Martín, invited by the curators of the festival Noviembre Electronico.
Authors: Fernando Daguanno, Nicolás Melmann, Fabián Sguiglia
Work Team
Garden and editing: Analía Girardi Barreau, Jimena Califa, Analía Girardi Barreau, Fernando Vargas Viviani, Carolina García Ruggiero
Electronics: Sebastián Daguanno, David Maisterra
Production company: China Rossenblum
Bamboo Guazú, Base 3, EN Landscaping, Intek Electronics
With the support of the Spatial Sound Synthesis Project (UNQ) and Neti Makerspace
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